Sunday, January 18, 2009

If you know me even just a little bit, you know that I like to plan things. I plan everything really. I recently came across through Mom Fuse and decided to check it out.

What is it?
First of all, it's a web service that helps groups of all types organize all of their information in one place. So I opened a free account (in all of about 2 seconds) so that I could really check it out. And I have to say, it's actually pretty cool! It's almost like google calendar meets facebook.

You have a "homepage" for your group that any of your members can contribute too. On the homepage is a list of any upcoming events (no excuses for forgetting now!) and an area to leave a message. Other features include a calendar, and an area for posting photos and files.

Since I've taken a look at it, my mind keeps filling up with all the different groups I could form. :-) But this site would work great for clubs, churches, schools, and just about any group that needs just one area to gather all their information!

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