I found Erin's wraps online just a few weeks ago and was super excited when she agreed to send me one to review. It's called the
Kylie Wrap ana you can find them at
Just a bit from ErinMy name is Erin and I am a stay-at-home mom of 2. My daughter is about to turn 3 and my son is about to turn 1. I started making baby wraps after my son was born. I needed a way to carry him close to me while still being able to chase my toddler, go grocery shopping, run errands, clean the house, etc. It was then that I started making stylish baby wraps. My family and I live in a small mountain town. It takes 30 minutes just to get to a grocery store. We live the simple life and enjoy being outdoors. I am huge on attachment parenting. I breastfeed, co-sleep, dont let my kids cry it out, dont spank, etc. I think baby-wearing is just natural for both mom and baby and am proud to make a product that encourages that.
The BasicsThe wrap is made from lightweight stretchy jersey fabric with an extra support panel in the middle.
What we thoughtWhen I pulled it out of the mail, I had to laugh at how long it was! I know why a lot of moms are intimidated by these wraps, they look super confusing! But Erin has some
super easy instructions right on her website. And even though it's the first time I'd tried a wrap, I had it on within just a minute. Putting Sophia in it was easy as well and once I had her situated, she got all comfy and fell asleep.
The first day I wore it for just a couple hours and it was comfortable the entire time. No back aches, no shoulder aches, nothing. A couple days later I brought it to church with me and had her in it for about 4 hours while I was helping take photos of all the moms and their kids on Mother's Day. If anything would have caused me to be uncomfortable, it was that morning! But no pain. At all! The only thing I had to do was tighten it just a bit after I took her out to feed her and had to put her back in.
I've also used it while making dinner, taking walks, garage sale-ing, and of course at church! Everywhere I went with it, people stopped to ask me where I got it. I even got to talk to a brand new mom at the mall who definitely needed one as she too had an active toddler boy to run after along with a brand new baby.
What I Liked:I actually loved this wrap! It's super comfortable with the soft jersey knit and really cute with the stylish support panel. (I had the pink sparrow one) Sophia always seemed very comfortable and secure in it and fell asleep quite often. I also really liked the fact that there was nothing between the two of us, she was resting right on my chest. And although it looked difficult to "wrap", I loved how easy it actually was. I can get it on in no time now!
I also love the fact that other people can't be grabbing at Sophia all the time. The can see her face, but the rest is all covered up. And that makes for less germs all over my baby!!
One more thing that's great, it covers up the post partum belly! I;m in that great phase where maternity clothes make you look huge and still pregnant, but regular clothes show off the not so tight tummy. Wearing the baby in this wrap takes care of that for me!
As an added plus, they are all handmade by a mom, and I love to support handmade items! The quality of the fabric and the construction of the wrap itself is also fabulous! Sometimes you just don't know about handmade items, but it definitely did not look like I made it! (I am NOT a seamstress. I can fake it sometimes, but it shows!)
What I didn't like so much:The only problem I have with it, I guess really isn't to much of an issue. But because it's so long, and the fact that I don't want to get it dirty, if I'm- let's say going to a grocery store, I have to wrap myself up before we leave cause I don't want to have to be wrapping myself up in the dirty parking lot. And because it's a stretchy fabric, it does seem to stretch just a tad after a few hours of use. (like when I use it all day long!) I usually just sit down and tighten it up a bit though. So no real biggie.
Oh yea, and I have to be a little careful what shirt I wear since it can pull down a bit in the front and when people go looking at the baby, I don't want to give them a sneaky peek of "the goods", if you know what I mean!
This wrap really has a lot of advantages and I'm really happy with it. I honestly don't know how I went without one when Cody was little! It's been such a lifesaver for me this time, not to mention a sanity saver!
Plus wherever I go, women are stopping and asking me all about it! So if you need a wrap, go check out
The Kylie Wrap! You won't be disappointed!

The panels on the shoulders are great too, because if the baby falls asleep, you just pull one over her head and she stays put. (like in the pic - although she's not asleep is she?)
And a little funny: the first time I wore this to church people kept thinking I was still pregnant and asked a couple of my friends when I was due because they thought I'd already had her! When baby falls asleep, it can make you look like you're still pregnant. Those it's much less painful to carry her this way! The weight is in the same place, but she sure feels a lot lighter! Plus she's not pushing bones and bladder out of the way! :-)