Monday, May 11, 2009

My Review Disclaimer

You may have noticed over the last few months I've been reviewing different products. Awhile back I started having companies contact me. I thought long and hard about whether or not I wanted to jump into this part of blogging. I didn't want it to cheapen my blogging. I didn't want it to look like I was only writing to get free stuff. I wanted to still write something of substance.

And then I got hooked up as a reviewer with And I started to enjoy being able to try out products that I'd either always wanted to try or things that not only I was interested in, but thought you all might be too. And I decided to go ahead and give reviewing a shot.

Now let me tell you, I will never compliment a product if I don't like it. I won't ever review a product that I feels goes against my way of living. (I've turned down several skin care and cleaning companies that use toxic ingredients)

What I will do is give you my honest opinion about a product that I've received. And I promise I won't overload my blog with reviews.

So yes, I am pimping out my blog. And I think I'm okay with that for now.

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