Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Review : Laundry Detergent

Seems fitting that I post a review for an eco product today, right? (And if you didn't know, today is Earth Day!)

I was recently sent Eco-Stores plant and mineral based Front Loader Laundry Powder. And while I have been happy with both the store bought natural stuff, and the homemade stuff I have, I like that this can be found at the grocery store I shop at most. Meijer. So many times I've run out and just want to pick it up while I'm getting my groceries. Because getting in and out of stores with a toddler isn't that much fun. And now we have the baby along too! So right from the start, this gets a big thumbs up from me.

Now this laundry powder does contain some chemicals, but they have left out the nasty ones I'm most concerned with; like petrochemicals, synthetic dyes and perfumes, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, and chlorine.
  • Palm and coconut based non-ionic and anionic surfactants
  • Silicates and carbonates (simple mineral salts)
  • Citrates (from citrus)
  • Cellulose (plant based)
  • Sodium percarbonate (oxygen producing whitener)
  • Natural Lemon Verbena Oil
And does it work? Yup. It works quite well. I started a load of towels, then my clothes, and then Todd's work clothes. (and his work clothes get pretty nasty and greasy some days!) Each load came out cleaner than when it went in and I was pleased that the strong lemony smell didn't carry over that much after they were dried. Don't get me wrong, I love a good lemon scent! But when you sniff into the box, it seems a bit overwhelming. But it doesn't stay that way, so be rest assured people won't smell you coming before they see you!

And not only does this detergent keep some pretty crazy chemicals off our clothes (and our kids!) but the waste water from the wash is also a bit healthier for our planet!

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